Just olives from our trees
The oil is obtained exclusively from olives grown and matured on our trees from the last oil campaign of 2022/23.
Harvesting, pressing and storage
The olive harvest begins as early as September to avoid excessive ripening and ensure a low acidity of the oil. Within a few hours of harvesting the olives are milled in the new company mill to keep their freshness intact. The oil is stored in special oxygen-free containers, protected from light and at a constant temperature.
Bottled only after your order
The oil is bottled only after your purchase in order to send you a fresh and perfect product in its organoleptic qualities.
Organic and sustainable agriculture
The olive trees, cultivated with organic and sustainable methods, grow in a microclimate unique in the world for their proximity to the sea, the Aeolian Islands and the volcanoes Stromboli and Etna.
Quality and controls Sangaspano
Sangaspano falls within the production area IGP SICILY and DOP VALDEMONE. The analyzes we carry out daily show minimum acidity values between 0.2% and 0.5%. In addition, our oil is characterized by the high number of antioxidants.
The fruits of our trees
In addition to oil we produce many other products that are characterized by being made with fruits of our trees or from Sicilian materials processed by our Sicilian cooks in an artisanal way. Organic citrus fruits, dried fruit, Wines, jams, Honey, almond sweets, Sicilian cannoli and cassate, pasta of ancient and whole grains, pesto, pate, olives, ciccolato di modica, limoncello and liqueurs.
L'olio extravergine Biancolilla è di colore verde o giallo paglierino con sfumature vagamente dorate. Quest'olio infatti si caratterizza per un fruttato leggero, lievemente piccante e molto aromatico in cui si avvertono le fragranze di mandorla, pomodoro e carciofo abbinate a dei gusti di erba fresca e oliva verde.
In cucina, l'olio della cultivar Biancolilla è eccellente per il condimento di piatti a base di pesce o di verdure, e si può utilizzare anche per la realizzazione di dolci in quanto sostituisce in modo efficace il burro o l'olio di semi.
Organic Oil
Gaspanello Lemon
Citrus Fruit Mix and Organic Oil
Citrus Fruit Mix, Organic Oil and Sicilian Wines