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Sangaspano, which already cultivates about 25,000 trees in Northern Sicily, aims to plant over 15,000 fruit trees on building and industrial land.
We believe that trees should once again prevail over concrete, buildings and industrial buildings.
Trees are one of the key elements to combat climate change as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, in implementing the project none of the public or private entities in the different municipalities where we plant the trees supports us.
Ours is a daily "struggle" against many environmental difficulties. In this spirit the project is called "fight4Trees". We count on the support of our customers to whom we ask to continue to help us through the adoption of our orange or olive trees.
In Contrada Bano, in the center of the Municipality of Villafranca, in 2020 we planted about 1,300 organic navel orange saplings on building land located in a heavily urbanized and cemented area. In the preparatory stages of planting, many citizens expected the construction of more concrete buildings. Nothing to do! the trees will stay here for the next 100 years. Fruits are on the way from 2024.
In contrada Archi, in the municipality of Pace del Mela, we made the greatest effort. In a commercial area, next to a department store, we planted, organically, about 3,500 trees of blonde oranges, red oranges, tangerines and clementines. Here came the agriculture of the future with a plant equipped with 4.0 technology with remote management and equipment for saving water and fertigation.
In Archi the future is not shopping centers, but trees. This plant is dedicated to our young company leader Tonino who, in 2023, after planting it, suddenly disappeared.
In Sicily, as in Liguria, the motorways pass through wonderful places. In this part of the company, in Pace del Mela, on land intended for warehouses, in 2024 we planted approximately 600 organic avocado trees. No one will see sheds in these areas for the next 100 years.
The Fight4Trees project was born in 2019 in contrada Religione, in our organic lemon grove planted on industrial land. The Milazzo area boasts the Italian record (third in Europe) in biodiversity.
For us it was (and is) unthinkable to cement the land here and pollute the environment with additional plants and industries.
In contrada Religione have already been planted 700 lemon trees that are now “little men " and produce excellent fruits. In Milazzo we will not stop! The goal is to plant over 3,000 trees.

From these hills above Milazzo our olive trees enjoy the view of the Aeolian islands. On this land , abandoned for many years, from 2005 to 2016 we planted in organic regime about 9,000 olive trees of varieties nocellara, leccino and biancolilla. The production falls within the area of D. O. P. Valdemone and IGP Sicily. The last effort will be in the coming years to add another 900 plants on the remaining building areas that were intended for the construction of 12 concrete villas.
In 2025 and 2026, in contrada Torre, we imagine a record-breaking project. The dream is to plant between 5000 and 6000 plants on industrial land and next to a clay quarry (authorized by the Region) that has destroyed much of the hill. Here the goal is to stop speculation and looting of our soil. Continue to follow and support us…