Sangaspano adopts an organic, sustainable and biodynamic agriculture
The soil and trees must not undergo any chemical treatment. Natural remedies against insects are allowed instead. Sangaspano has been practicing organic farming for over 20 years. Our citrus fruits are medium and small in size because we do not use chemical treatments that bulk fruits. In addition, citrus peels are often stained by the sun or hail or dust from Etna because we do not use any product (wax, gloss) to improve aesthetics. This makes our peels edible and usable for preparations in the kitchen.
To fight insects instead we use rock dust and traps.
Finally, we use only natural and organic fertilizers.
How to recognize a real organic product.
Truly organic products must be certified by bodies accredited to the Ministry of Agriculture. All biological operators have assigned a number by the certifying body.
The Agency carries out several checks every year on the farm in order to ensure that organic cultivation practices are respected and the fruits comply with the requirements. If the company super checks it gets a certificate of eligibility.
Our farm is certified organic by the certification body SOLES AND HEALTH.
What is biodynamic agriculture and the principles adopted by Sangaspano
When we talk about biodynamic agriculture, often the most frequent question is: “but what exactly is it?”
Biodynamic agriculture is a holistic approach to the farm, where the health and welfare of animals, farmers, farm and land are all conceived as an integral part of the same self-sufficient ecosystem. The whole system is related to the surrounding environment, to the Earth, to the cosmos, to the planets and constellations. Everything is interconnected, the plant is a living organism, as is the soil, the animal and the farm.
The most important operational tools of the biodynamic farmer are:
prohibition of the use of chemicals
respect the natural and seasonal cycles of the earth and trees
respect for water resources
agricultural rotations
the lunar and planetary calendar for sowing and cultivation operations
non-destructive tillage of the soil
composting and biodynamic preparations
All this with the aim of increasing the fertility of the earth and improving the soil and producing healthy plants and foods that strengthen human metabolism.
Sangaspano since 2000 has decided to apply the principles of biodynamic agriculture in the cultivation of citrus and olive trees. Our company does not use chemicals, follows the seasonality of the fruits without pushing the plants to overproduce, irrigates the plants through drips that to reduce the amount of water, follows a particular calendar for pruning and fertilizing cultivation operations, uses only natural coincides (such as favino or calcium).
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