

Organic olive oil gives us the certainty that the olives used to produce organic olive oil are local. Certification is not an indicator of better product quality: it is a useful certification because it allows you to obtain a product that is certainly more controlled and protects the environment.

Organic olive oil is an oil obtained from olives grown and produced from organic farming. This avoids the use of chemicals and exploits the natural fertility of the soil favoring it with limited interventions. With the biological process, an oil is obtained that will be free of synthetic substances and respectful of the environment. To obtain certification, companies must comply with the indications of the EU Regulation and undergo a series of periodic checks by Control Bodies authorized by the MiPAAF

Some answers to choose between organic and conventional oil can be found in a Spanish research that has given account the specialized portal TeatroNaturale directed by Alberto Grimelli. Two neighboring olive groves were examined, with the same variety and age of planting, conducted one in a biological and the other in a conventional way. The olives were harvested at the same ripening indices(colorimetric, R. I. Index of J The extraction process was identical.

The overall average values of oils from organically grown olive trees showed higher quality, such as a lower acidity value, lower peroxide index, higher stability and higher organoleptic score.

It is therefore evident that the cultivation method influences the chemical and organoleptic quality of the oil in a positive sense and not only for the absence of pesticide residues in the oil or in the greater environmental sustainability of production.

In this context, Sangaspano, which cultivates about 9,000 olive trees in northern Sicily, has adopted an organic and integrated agriculture. In essence, the entire production chain of Sangaspano oil in its three production varieties Nocellara, Biancolilla and Leccino enjoys organic certification.

Posted in: Wellness, Topical

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