
Citrus and olive oil cake


3eggs (medium size)

1lemon Gaspanello Bio 

2oranges Gaspanella Bio

150 g  sugar

100 ml Olive oil extravergine Sangaspano Nocellara

250 g flour 00

sachet baking powder for cakes

powdered sugar

Grate the peel with a grater with wide holes and place in a bowl. Cut the lemon and oranges in half and squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits. Add the juice to the rinds and stir. Put the eggs in a bowl and add the sugar. Assemble them with electric whips at maximum speed for at least 10 minutes. When the eggs are swollen and foamy add the evo oil little by little and continue to mix the cake mixture with the oil with the whisk. Also add the grated lemon and orange peel and the juice. Mix and incorporate flour 00 and baking powder possibly sifted. Pour the cake dough with citrus and oil into the buttered and floured cake pan. Bake the Songaspano citrus and evo oil cake in a hot oven, in static mode at 180° Always do the toothpick test to verify cooking. Take it out of the oven, let it cool, then transfer to a plate and decorate with powdered sugar and citrus zest. VARIANTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS If you want to prepare the gluten-free citrus and oil cake, you can safely use rice flour or gluten-free flour for cakes. You can add chocolate chips of modica Sangaspano to the mixture . You can add ground cinnamon.

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