The advantages of short production chain and organic farming.
Sangaspano adopts a short and integral production chain that starts from the planting of trees and ends at the home of consumers.
The term “production chain " means the complex of activities, steps and organizations that run from the raw material to the direct sale of the finished product.
The production chain is “short " if it includes few (or no) commercial intermediations between the producer and the consumer. The advantages are many:
- lower costs for consumers in the absence of intermediaries;
- a lower environmental impact with reduced packaging and transport;
- quality and safety of products;
- freshness and genuineness of the products as they come directly from the producers;
The benefits increase exponentially if the supply chain concerns companies, such as Sangaspano, which adopt certified organic farming. Choosing organic means not only improving the quality of our lives but also embarking on a path that allows us to concretely help the entire planet in the battle towards sustainability, against the waste of water resources and pollution. Organic is a set of values that have as their objective: respect for natural cycles, preserve health and the environment, respect for plants, animal welfare and human health. Opting for organic is equivalent to adopting a fair and sustainable lifestyle that moves hand in hand with nature.
Among the advantages of organic in the cultivation of fruits are:
- zero pesticides or chemical treatments and therefore the peel is edible;
- greater natural and organoleptic properties;
- less health risks;
- greater environmental sustainability with the use of natural fertilizers;
- reduction of pollution and less waste of resources;
- preserve the pianata
Sangaspano adopts a strict organic farming regime and adopts a short and integral production chain. Our fruits (oranges, lemons, olives, oil) are born and mature on our plants in Sicily. We follow all stages of production. We start from the plant to get to the fruit. Then the supply chain continues with the collection until packaging and shipping to our customers ' homes.
The Sangaspano supply chain, which distinguishes us from most other producers and sellers, is for us an operational effort but also a source of great pride.
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