Production 2023/2024 down. Prices still rising.
In Italy three out of four bottles of olive oil are foreign!
The alarm of Coldiretti: Italian imports mark the record of the century.
Sangaspano countertrend aims to reach 10,000 olive trees in the next three years.
The situation in the sector is complicated by the difficulties that the world's leading producers are facing with the 2023-2024 campaign. This year, in fact, Spain, the world's leading producer of olive oil, is expected to stand at about 765 thousand tons, 34% less than the average of the last four years. In Turkey oil production is expected to fall around 280 thousand tons, about 100 thousand tons less than last year, while Greece is expected to collapse to 200 thousand tons, compared to 350 thousand last year. Only Tunisia seems to be recovering, with production that can exceed 200 thousand tons.
The national total of olive oil and virgin olive oil produced will be about 290 thousand tons, also in this case below the average of the last four years. To weigh was the crazy climate: rains during flowering, then drought and high temperatures that put a strain on the national olive groves.
In this context, the production of Sangaspano organic oil in the 2023 2024 campaign is expected to decline. The first weeks of harvesting, however, show an excellent quality of the oil with very low acidity values (0.2 – 0.3) and excellent olfactory and sensory parameters.
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